salem academy meal plans
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Salem Academy Meal Plans
Welcome to Your Meal Plan
Use your Meal Plan for the Refectory and Salem Greens in different ways.
Meal Swipes
Meal Swipes can be used in our all-you-care-to-eat restaurant, The Refectory. Once you swipe in, you can enjoy an all-you-care-to-eat meal.
Salem Bucks
Salem Bucks come with your meal plan. These can be used at the Student Center Cafe working on the same principle as a debit card. Salem Bucks can be used at any of our dining locations at Salem Academy and College. Salem Bucks roll over from semester to semester and expire at the end of the academic year.
Running low on Salem Bucks? Recharge today and make your life easier! Salem Bucks are tied to a meal plan, you can add more or separately by adding Spirit Dollars. Any Spirit Dollars not used will not be refunded.
*All meal plans are non-refundable.